“How America Can Succeed in a Multialigned World: The Importance of Building Truly Global Partnerships,” FOREIGN AFFAIRS (October 30, 2024).
"Better Together: Tackling Complex Challenges" (with Dawn Yip, Gordon LaForge, and Kiara Kijburana), GOVERNANCE MATTERS MAGAZINE, Chandler Institute of Governance, 2024.
Gordon LaForge, Anne-Marie Slaughter, Simon Levin, et. al., "Complexity and the Global Governance of AI," New America Policy Paper, April 29, 2024.
"Beyond Poles," in Response: The Long Unipolar Moment? Debating American Dominance, FOREIGN AFFAIRS (October 17, 2023).
Chapter: "Democratic Governance for the Long Emergency" (with Ann Florini and Gordon LaForge), in DEMOCRACY IN A HOTTER TIME (David Orr, ed.) (2023).
"Care Is a Relationship," DAEDALUS (special issue, Creating a New Moral Political Economy: eds. Margaret Levi and Henry FarrelI, winter 2023).
Policy Brief, "Toward a Declaration on Future Generations," (co-author with T. Hale, F. Moorhouse, T. Ord), Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford (January 2023).
"Renewing American Democracy," DEMOCRACY: A JOURNAL OF IDEAS (December 2021).
"We Need a New Economic Category," (with Hilary Cottam), THE ATLANTIC, September 23, 2021.
"The Future of American Power: Anne-Marie Slaughter on why America’s diversity is its strength," THE ECONOMIST (August 24, 2021).
Afterword, (with Darren Walker), in POWER TO THE PUBLIC: THE PROMISE OF PUBLIC INTEREST TECHNOLOGY (Tara McGuinness and Hana Schank, (2021).
"America Can—and Should—Vaccinate the World," (with Helene Gayle and Gordon LaForge), FOREIGN AFFAIRS (March 19, 2021).
"Seeing in Stereo," PARAMETERS (Army War College, Spring 2021).
"Opening Up the Order: A More Inclusive International System" (with Gordon LaForge), FOREIGN AFFAIRS (March/April 2021).
"17 Rooms--Great Transitions: Doubling Down on the Sustainable Development Goals," The Brookings Institution and The Rockefeller Foundation (2020).
(A shortened version of my contribution to the report,“Room 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth” is also available.)
Chapter 4: "A Time of Domestic Reckoning and Renewal," in DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL (DIS)ORDER: A STRATEGIC RESPONSE, Aspen Strategy Group (2020).
"Reinventing the State Department, " DEMOCRACY: A JOURNAL OF IDEAS (September 15, 2020).
"Roadmap to Pandemic Resilience Report: Massive Scale Testing, Tracing, and Supported Isolation (TTSI) as the Path to Pandemic Resilience for a Free Society" (co-author) (Danielle Allen et al.), Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics at Harvard University, with support from The Rockefeller Foundation, April 20, 2020.
Introduction, in ARMS AND INFLUENCE (Thomas C. Schelling), Veritas paperback re-issue (2020).
"Stage Setting Power," (with Darren Geist and Jeanne-Paloma Zelmati), DEMOCRACY: A JOURNAL OF IDEAS (Spring 2020).
"Interview with Anne-Marie Slaughter," in A KENNAN FOR OUR TIMES: REVISITING AMERICA'S GREATEST DIPLOMAT IN THE 21ST CENTURY, (Michael Kimmage and Matthew Rojansky, eds.), Wilson Center, 2019.
"To Achieve Gender Equality, it's Time to Blow up Masculinity," WIRED (May/June 2019).
"The New Practice of Public Problem Solving" (with Tara Dawson McGuinness), STANFORD SOCIAL INNOVATION REVIEW, Spring 2019.
"The Rise of Monetised Mothering Will Drive Employment," WIRED (December 2018).
"In the Digital Age, Foreign Policy Won't Be Decided by Presidents," WIRED (January 2018).
"The Unseen Cost of Unpaid Work and Its Disproportionate Toll on the Middle Class," BIDEN FORUM (January 3, 2018).
"Toward an All American Affairs," AMERICAN AFFAIRS (Fall 2017).
"The World of Webcraft: Using Networks against Shadow Finance," (with Gordon LaForge), THE WASHINGTON QUARTERLY (Summer 2017).
"The Broken Promise of Higher Education," THE ATLANTIC, May 17, 2017.
"The Return of Anarchy," COLUMBIA JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS Special 70th Anniversary Issue: The Next World Order, Vol. 70 (March 2017).
"The Networks of U.S. Governance," YALE PRESS LOG, Yale University Press (March 30, 2017).
"Government with the People: A New Formula for Creating Public Value" (co-author), WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM GLOBAL AGENDA COUNCIL ON THE FUTURE OF GOVERNMENT, February 14, 2017.
(A shortened version of my contribution to the report, "Government as Investor" is also available.)
"Imagine a World Where Gender Is Neither a Plus nor a Minus," NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC, (January 2017).
"The Only Way Forward: Can the New World Order Be Saved by Humanism?" FOREIGN POLICY (special issue: The Leading Global Thinkers of 2016) (December 2016).
"How to Succeed in the Networked World: A Grand Strategy for the Digital Age," 96 FOREIGN AFFAIRS (November/December 2016).
"A Response: Short Takes--Provocations on Public Feminism," SIGNS: JOURNAL OF WOMEN IN CULTURE AND SOCIETY (Winter 2017).
"Global Complexity: Intersection of Chessboard and Web Trends," NOTES INTERNACIONALS: BARCELONA CENTRE FOR INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS (Issue 147, May 2016). (This article is the English version of a piece published in Spanish in the forthcoming edition of the CIDOB International Yearbook 2016.)
"The Work that Makes Work Possible," THE ATLANTIC (Online), (March 23, 2016.)
"Diversity: Key to a Happier Legal Profession," LEADERSHIP COUNCIL ON LEADERSHIP DIVERSITY (January 20, 2016).
"A Lead Agency for Every Security Initiative," DEMOCRACY: A JOURNAL OF IDEAS (Winter 2016).
"The Failure of the Phrase Work-Life Balance," THE ATLANTIC (Online), (December 16, 2015).
Rethinking the Think Tank, (with Ben Scott), WASHINGTON MONTHLY (November/December 2015).
What Is America's Purpose? THE NATIONAL INTEREST (September/October 2015).
Foreword, in THE WORK-FAMILY DEBATE IN POPULAR CULTURE: CAN WOMEN AND MEN “HAVE IT ALL”? (Ellyn A. Lem and Timothy J. Dunn) (2015).
Foreword, in FINDING BLISS: INNOVATIVE LEGAL MODELS FOR HAPPY CLIENTS AND HAPPY LAWYERS, (Deborah Epstein Henry, Suzie Scanlon Rabinowitz, and Garry A. Berger) (2015).
Foreword, in POWER THROUGH PARTNERSHIP: HOW WOMEN LEAD BETTER TOGETHER (Betsy Polk and Maggie Ellis Chotas) (2014).
A Regional Responsibility to Protect, in LESSONS FROM INTERVENTION IN THE 21st CENTURY: LEGALITY, LEGITIMACY, AND FEASIBILITY, Global Policy e-book (David Held and Kyle McNally, eds.) (2014).
Foreword, in WHAT WORKS FOR WOMEN AT WORK: FOUR PATTERNS WORKING WOMEN NEED TO KNOW (Joan C. Williams and Rachel Dempsey) (2014).
To Tweet or Not to Tweet? The Impact of Social Media on Global Politics, in TOWARDS MUTUAL SECURITY: FIFTY YEARS OF MUNICH SECURITY CONFERENCE (Wolfgang Ischinger, ed.) (2014).
Retrospective on International Law in the First Obama Administration, in PROCEEDINGS OF THE 107th ANNUAL MEETING (American Society of International Law, 2013)
L’Europe au coeur du monde, in Et si le soleil se levait à nouveau sur l'Europe?, Le Cercle des Economistes (sur la direction de Jean-Herve Lorenzi et Christian de Boissieu) (2013).
Filling Power Vacuums in the New Global Legal Order, 54 BOSTON COLLEGE LAW REVIEW 919 (2013)/36 BOSTON COLLEGE INTERNATIONAL AND COMPARATIVE LAW REVIEW 919 (2013).
Preface, in THE ARAB SPRING AND CLIMATE CHANGE, Center for American Progress (Caitlin E. Werrell and Francesco Femia, eds.) (2013). (link to project website: http://www.americanprogress.org/projects/climate-migration-security/vie…)
International Law and International Relations Theory: Twenty Years Later, in INTERDISCIPLINARY PERSPECTIVES ON INTERNATIONAL LAW AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS: THE STATE OF THE ART (Jeffrey L. Dunoff and Mark A. Pollack, eds.) (2012).
Remarks, The Big Picture: Beyond Hot Spots and Crises in Our Interconnected World 1 PENN STATE JOURNAL OF LAW AND INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS 286 (2012).
Open v. Closed: Media, Government, and Social Organizations in the Information Age. (Richard S. Salent Lecture on Freedom of the Press, Joan Shorenstein Center on the Press, Politics, and Public Policy, Harvard Kennedy School, October 10, 2012).
You Can't Have It All: Princetonians Respond, PRINCETON ALUMNI WEEKLY (September 19, 2012).
Harnessing Connection Technologies for Development, with Eleanor Meegoda, in OLD PROBLEMS, NEW SOLUTIONS: HARNESSING TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION IN THE FIGHT AGAINST GLOBAL POVERTY (Collection of Policy Briefs Commissioned for the Ninth Annual Brookings Blum Roundtable on Global Poverty, Aspen, CO, August 1-3, 2012). (link to full report).
Why Women Still Can't Have It All, THE ATLANTIC, (July/August 2012). (link to URL at TheAtlantic.com).
A Grand Strategy of Network Centrality, in AMERICA'S PATH: GRAND STRATEGY FOR THE NEXT ADMINISTRATION, Center for a New American Security (Richard Fontaine and Kristin M. Lord, eds.) (May 31, 2012).
Do It Yourself Diplomacy, THE ROTARIAN (February 2012).
International Relations, Principal Theories, MAX PLANCK ENCYCLOPEDIA OF PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW (2011).
Transgovernmental Networks, with Thomas N. Hale, in SAGE HANDBOOK OF GOVERNANCE (Mark Bevir, ed.) (2011).
War and Law in the 21st Century: Adapting to the Changing Face of Conflict, Europe’s World (Autumn 2011).
Our Waning Confidence, DEMOCRACY: A JOURNAL OF IDEAS, Fall 2011.
Responsibility and Leadership, DIE ZEIT, April 7, 2011.
America's Edge: Power in the Networked Century, 88 FOREIGN AFFAIRS 94 (2009).
Wilsonianism in the Twenty-first Century, in CRISIS OF AMERICA'S FOREIGN POLICY (G. John Ikenberry, ed.) (2009).
Calling All Patriots: The Cosmopolitan Appeal of American Nationalism, with Thomas N. Hale, in CULTURAL POLITICS (David Held and Henrietta L. Moore, eds.) (2008).
Strategic Leadership: Framework for a 21st Century National Security Strategy, with Bruce W. Jentleson, Ivo H. Daalder, Antony J. Blinken, Lael Brainard, Kurt M. Campbell, Michael A. McFaul, James C. O'Brien, Gayle E. Smith, and James B. Steinberg, The Phoenix Initiative, Center for a New American Security, 2008.
The Future of International Law is Domestic, with William Burke-White, in NEW PERSPECTIVES ON THE DIVIDE BETWEEN INTERNATIONAL AND NATIONAL LAW (Andre Nolkaemper and Janne Nijman, eds.) (2007).
The American Idea is an Idea: Unexceptionalism, THE ATLANTIC (November 2007).
The UN: Silent Reform, with Thomas N. Hale and George Kell, 44 (1) UN CHRONICLE (2007).
Iran Symposium, DISSENT 97 (Winter 2007).
The Legacy of Elihu Root: Rereading Root in PROCEEDINGS OF THE 100TH ANNUAL MEETING (American Society of International Law, 2006).
Forging a World of Liberty under Law: U.S. National Security in the 21st Century, with G. John Ikenberry, Princeton Project on National Security, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University, 2006.
Networking Goes International: An Update, with David Zaring, 2 ANNUAL REVIEW OF LAW AND SOCIAL SCIENCE 211 (2006).
The Future of International Law is Domestic (or, The European Way of Law), with William Burke-White, 47 HARVARD INTERNATIONAL LAW JOURNAL 327 (2006).
Transparency: Possibilities and Limitations, with Thomas N. Hale, 30 THE FLETCHER FORUM OF WORLD AFFAIRS 153 (2006).
Reinventing the United Nations in WITH ALL OUR MIGHT (Will Marshall, ed., Randolph Court and Kevin Croke, assoc. eds., 2006).
The Global Governance Crisis, 4 THE INTERDEPENDENT 32 (2006).
A New U.N. for a New Century: The Robert L. Levine Distinguished Lecture Series, 74 FORDHAM LAW REVIEW 2961 (2006).
A Covenant to Make Global Governance Work, with Thomas N. Hale, OPEN DEMOCRACY (December 21, 2005).
Notes and Comments: Security, Solidarity, and Sovereignty: The Grand Themes of UN Reform, 99 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 619 (2005).
Declare War, with Leslie H. Gelb, 296 THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY 54 (2005).
Why States Create International Tribunals: A Response to Professors Posner and Yoo, with Laurence R. Helfer, 93 CALIFORNIA LAW REVIEW 899 (2005).
A Brave New Judicial World in AMERICAN EXCEPTIONALISM AND HUMAN RIGHTS (Michael Ignatieff, ed., 2005).
Winning Back the World's Trust, GLOBAL AGENDA, 2005 edition.
Help Develop Institutions and Instruments for Military Intervention on Humanitarian Grounds in RESTORING AMERICAN LEADERSHIP: 13 COOPERATIVE STEPS TO ADVANCE GLOBAL PROGRESS, Open Society Institute/Century Foundation, April 2005.
To Pursue Primacy for its Own Sake Seems an Odd Way to Reassure Other Nations, BOSTON REVIEW, March 10, 2005.
The New Challenges to International, National, and Human Security Policy: A Report to the Trilateral Commission (with Carl Bildt and Kazuo Ogura), THE TRILATERAL COMMISSION (2004).
Response to Suzanne Nossel (Foreign Policy: How America Can Get its Groove Back: The First 100 Days of a New Administration, DISSENT (Fall 2004).
Sovereignty and Power in a Networked World Order, 40 STANFORD JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 283 (2004).
The International Dimension of the Law School Curriculum, 22 PENNSYLVANIA STATE INTERNATIONAL LAW REVIEW 417 (2004).
The Partial Rule of Law, THE AMERICAN PROSPECT, (October, 2004).
A Dangerous Myth, PROSPECT MAGAZINE, January 22, 2004.
Disaggregated Sovereignty: Toward the Public Accountability of Global Government Networks in GOVERNMENT AND OPPOSITION (2004).
A New Global Bargain in WHAT WE STAND FOR (New Democracy Project) (2004).
Power and Legitimacy of Government Networks, in GOVERNANCE IN THE 21ST CENTURY: THE PARTNERSHIP PRINCIPLE (Alfred Herrhausen Society) (2004).
China's Past, America's Future, with Wei Jingsheng, OPEN DEMOCRACY (July 27, 2004).
Courting the World, FOREIGN POLICY (March/April 2004).
A Duty to Prevent, with Lee Feinstein, Issue Paper, United Nations Foundation (2004).
International Law and International Relations Theory: A Prospectus in THE IMPACT OF INTERNATIONAL LAW ON INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION (Eyal Benevisti and Moshe Hirsch, eds.) (2004).
A Duty to Prevent, with Lee Feinstein, 83 FOREIGN AFFAIRS 136 (2004).
Defining the Limits: Universal Jurisdiction and National Courts in UNIVERSAL JURISDICTION: NATIONAL COURTS AND THE PROSECUTION OF SERIOUS CRIMES UNDER INTERNATIONAL LAW (Stephen Macedo, ed., 2004).
The Duty to Prevent, ASPENIA INTERNATIONAL 25-26, United? the UN, the US, and us (December 2004).
Leading Through Law, 27 THE WILSON QUARTERLY 37 (2003).
Global Government Networks, Global Information Agencies, and Disaggregated Democracy, 24 MICHIGAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 1041 (2003).
Mercy Killings, FOREIGN POLICY 87 (May/June 2003).
Misreading the Record, 82 FOREIGN AFFAIRS 201 (2003).
Everyday Global Governance, with Some Extraordinary Implications DAEDALUS 1 (Winter 2003).
A Global Community of Courts, 44 HARVARD INTERNATIONAL LAW JOURNAL 191 (2003).
An International Constitutional Moment, with William Burke-White, 43 HARVARD INTERNATIONAL LAW JOURNAL 1 (2002).
Tougher than Terror, THE AMERICAN PROSPECT, January 28, 2002, 22.
The Future of International Law: Ending the U.S.-Europe Divide, CRIMES OF WAR PROJECT (2002).
Breaking Out: The Proliferation of Actors in the International System in GLOBAL PRESCRIPTIONS: THE PRODUCTION AND EXPORTATION OF A NEW STATE ORTHODOXY 12 (Yves Dezalay and Bryant G. Garth, eds., 2002).
The Accountability of Government Networks, 8 INDIANA JOURNAL OF GLOBAL LEGAL STUDIES 347 (2001).
International Law, International Relations and Compliance, with Kal Raustiala, in HANDBOOK OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS, (Walter Carlnaes, Thomas Risse, and Beth Simmons, eds., 2001).
Agencies on the Loose? Holding Government Networks Accountable in TRANSATLANTIC REGULATORY COOPERATION (George A. Bermann, Matthias Herdegen and Peter Lindseth, eds, 2000).
Building Global Democracy, 1 CHICAGO JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 223 (2000).
Virtual Visibility, FOREIGN POLICY 84 (November/December 2000).
A Liberal Theory of International Law in PROCEEDINGS OF THE 94TH ANNUAL MEETING (American Society of International Law, 2000).
Judicial Globalization, 40 VIRGINIA JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 1103 (2000).
The Future of International Legal Regimes, with Abram Chayes, in NATIONAL SECURITY AND INTERNATIONAL LAW: THE UNITED STATES AND THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT (Sarah Sewall, ed., 2000).
Plaintiff's Diplomacy, with David Bosco, 79 FOREIGN AFFAIRS 102 (2000).
Introduction: Legalization and World Politics, with Judith Goldstein, Miles Kahler, and Robert O. Keohane, 54 INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION 385 (2000).
Legalized Dispute Resolution: Interstate and Transnational, with Robert O. Keohane and Andrew Moravcsik, 54 INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION 457 (2000).
The Concept of Legalization, with Kenneth W. Abbott, Robert O. Keohane, Andrew Moravcsik, and Duncan Snidal, 54 INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION 401 (2000).
Government Networks: The Heart of the Liberal Democratic Order in DEMOCRATIC GOVERNANCE AND INTERNATIONAL LAW 199 (Gregory H. Fox and Brad R. Roth, eds., 2000).
Governing the Global Economy through Government Networks in THE ROLE OF LAW IN INTERNATIONAL POLITICS 177 (Michael Byers, ed., 2000).
Memorandum to the President in TOWARD AN INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT: THREE OPTIONS PRESENTED AS PRESIDENTIAL SPEECHES 1 (Council on Foreign Relations, Alton Frye, Project Director, 1999).
The Method is the Message, with Steven R. Ratner, 93 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 410 (1999).
International Law and International Relations Theory: A New Generation of Interdisciplinary Scholarship, 92 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 367 (1998).
Revisiting the European Court of Justice, with Walter Mattli, 52 INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION 177 (1998).
Pushing the Limits of the Liberal Peace: Ethnic Conflict and the 'Ideal Polity' in INTERNATIONAL LAW AND ETHNIC CONFLICT 128 (David Wippman, ed., 1998).
The Role of National Courts in the Process of European Integration: Accounting for Judicial Preferences and Constraints, with Walter Mattli, in THE EUROPEAN COURTS AND NATIONAL COURTS: DOCTRINE AND JURISPRUDENCE 253 (Anne-Marie Slaughter, Alec Stone Sweet, and Joseph H.H. Weiler, eds., 1997).
The Real New World Order, 76 FOREIGN AFFAIRS 183 (1997).
Toward a Theory of Effective Supranational Adjudication, with Laurence Helfer, 107 YALE LAW JOURNAL 273 (1997).
Extraterritoriality and Discovery, with David Zaring, in CURRENT LEGAL ISSUES IN INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL LITIGATION 72 (Cheong, Chan-Wing, Ho Hock Lai, Beng, Lee-Eng, and Loon, Ng-Loy Wee, eds., 1997).
Constructing the European Community Legal System from the Ground Up: The Role of Individual Litigants and National Litigants and National Courts, with Walter Mattli, European University Institute Working Paper RSC No. 96/56.
International Law in a World of Liberal States, 6 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 503 (1995).
Liberal International Relations Theory and International Economic Law, 10 AMERICAN UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW AND POLICY 1 (1995).
Law and Politics in the European Union: A Reply to Garrett, with Walter Mattli, 49 INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION 183 (Winter 1995).
The Liberal Agenda for Peace: International Relations Theory and the Future of the United Nations, 4 TRANSNATIONAL LAW AND CONTEMPORARY PROBLEMS 377 (1994).
A Typology of Transjudicial Communication, 29 UNIVERSITY OF RICHMOND LAW REVIEW 99 (1994).
Nationalism v. Internationalism: Another Look, 26 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW AND POLICY 585 (1994).
Introductory Note, with Carl Kaysen, in EMERGING NORMS OF JUSTIFIED INTERVENTION 7 (Laura W. Reed & Carl Kaysen eds., 1993).
New Directions in Legal Research on the European Community, 391 JOURNAL OF COMMON MARKET STUDIES 31 (1993).
International Law and International Relations Theory: A Dual Agenda, 87 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 205 (1993).
Europe Before the Court: A Political Theory of Legal Integration, with Walter Mattli, 47 INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION 41 (1993).
Liberal States: A Zone of Law, Paper Presented at the 1992 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association.
Democracy and Judicial Review in the European Community, 1992 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO LEGAL FORUM 81 (1992).
Law Among Liberal States: Liberal Internationalism and the Act of State Doctrine, 92 COLUMBIA LAW REVIEW 1907 (1992).
Toward an Age of Liberal Nations, 33 HARVARD JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 393 (1992).
Regulating the World: Multilateralism, International Law, and the Projection of the New Deal Regulatory State in MULTILATERALISM MATTERS (John Ruggie, ed., 1992).
Comment on Intervention against Illegitimate Regimes in LAW AND FORCE IN THE NEW INTERNATIONAL ORDER (Lori Fisler Damrosch and David Scheffer, eds., 1991).
Revolution of the Spirit, 3 HARVARD HUMAN RIGHTS JOURNAL 1 (1990).
Panel Discussion: Options for a Law-Abiding Policy in Central America, 10 BOSTON COLLEGE THIRD WORLD LAW JOURNAL 215 (1990).
The Once and Future German Question, 68 FOREIGN AFFAIRS 65 (1990).
The Alien Tort Statute and the Judiciary Act of 1789: A Badge of Honor, 83 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 461 (1989).
Pursuing the Assets of Former Dictators in PROCEEDINGS OF THE 81ST ANNUAL MEETING 401 (American Society of International Law, 1987).
Restoration and Reunification: Eisenhower's German Policy in REEVALUATING EISENHOWER: AMERICAN FOREIGN POLICY IN THE FIFTIES (Richard A. Melanson and David Mayers, eds., 1987).